Foreign Language Courses

EAP 105-106

EAP 105 – 106 (Core and Prerequisite Courses)

Vocational School of Justice English Language Courses (EAP 105 - 106)

EAP 105 (Fall) -106 (Spring) courses are the core courses of Vocational School of Justice whose medium of instruction is Turkish. There is a prerequisite between EAP 105 and EAP 106 courses. That means students have to pass EAP 105 in order to be able to take EAP 106 course. EAP 105-106 are  English courses that aim to bring students to A1/ A1+ level. The students did not study prep program and do not have any English background. The grammar syllabus includes basic present verb tenses and provides a solid foundation to build on.  Sounds of English will be introduced, and the vocabulary syllabus will focus on the most frequent words and phrases. Basic listening, reading, speaking and writing skills will also be gradually introduced in the course.

Students who complete the courses successfully will be able to;

  • develop their language knowledge and experience starting from  zero to A1 Level
  • read  short, simple informative texts of ~150-300 words about people and places to get the general ideas and details.
  • listen to short and simple monologues and dialogues to understand short and simple instructions and directions and to get the basic personal information and descriptions.
  • handle short and simple monologues, dialogues, questions and answers about basic greeting and introduction, familiar topics, personal information, daily routines and free time activities
  • write short, simple descriptions about people, places, and activities in ~100-150 words with appropriate vocabulary and language use.

Hours per week: 3 hours in class + 1 hour online

Credits: 2


Course Requirements


Students need to:

  • bring the course book indicated by the instructor to every class.
  • bring any materials the instructor places on reserve at the copy center or posted online.


Students are advised to attend classes regularly. Failure to attend classes regularly will result in losing track of the ongoing process of learning as well as missing valuable opportunities to get feedback on their progress. Regular attendance and active participation will constitute 10 points of the total grade.


Participation is different from attendance. It requires:

  • contribution to class discussions and activities.
  • acting with academic courtesy and academic honesty.
  • bringing all the materials needed to class.
  • following online pages regularly.

Bilgi Learn Pages

Since according to university rules all announcements on the online page are official, heeding these announcements is students’ responsibility. Therefore, students need to:

  • carefully follow the announcements and materials provided through Bilgi Online Education Pages. Students are advised to check the Online Education page at least a day before each class in order to follow weekly pacing and announcements.

Academic courtesy

Academic courtesy means acceptable behavior in an academic environment. In other words, students are expected to arrive to class on time, show respect to peers and instructor, and come to class prepared with the necessary materials. Moreover, students are responsible for following rules of classroom conduct in addition to university rules. Repeated violations will result in disciplinary action.

Academic honesty

Unethical behavior such as cheating and plagiarism will be officially recorded by the academic staff and reported to the Student Affairs Office which will result in disciplinary action and failing grade on the task or assignment. Plagiarism is claiming somebody else’s work as your own and it is students’ responsibility to credit work they have cited.

“Burden of Proof”: If the instructor doubts that a student has completed his or her work independently, it is the student’s responsibility to show that he or she completed the task on his or her own at each and every stage. Failure to provide evidence is grounds for receiving a failing grade on the assignment.


Courses are assessed with on-going assessment tools. All throughout the course, there will be quizzes, assignments/homework, in-class and take-home studies and participation grades will constitute the final grade of the course.
Quizzes and assginments/homework missed due to absence cannot be made up.


Letter Grades


95 – 100


90 – 94


85 – 89


80 – 84


75 – 79


70 – 74


65 – 69


60 – 64


55 – 59


50 – 54


0 – 49


* Please note that course requirements and assessment policies / procedures are subject to change based on the student needs and profile.