Foreign Language Courses

CPD Options and Procedures Chart




Peer/Video Observations




  1. An initial meeting will be held to inform the teachers about the details, the observation cycle and the tools.
  2. Video-recording: Teachers identify strengths & weaknesses (quarter 1 )
  3. Doing Research : Teachers gather data on how to improve  on the area of concern (quarter 2)
  4. Doing 2 peer-observations: Teachers  gather further data on the pre-defined area by observing colleagues (quarter 2)
  5. Video-recording: teachers record their class the second time while at the same time applying the suggested techniques/methods (quarter 3)
  6. Reflection: Teachers reflect on the approaches/methods (quarter 3)
  7. Report: Teachers submit a reflection on the whole process  to TDC (quarter 4, week 4)


Reflection on the process

(Action) Research/ Leading an ELT project



  1. An initial workshop is given to present teachers how to carry out an AR(Sept-October)
  2. Action researchers individually or in pairs pick an area to investigate (October-November)
  3. Researchers submit a proposal/abstract (November)
  4. Researchers collate the date and analyze them (November-March)
  5. AR is ready to be presented and/or published in an ELT Journal.


Doing  presentation of the AR to BİLGİ instructors (min. 15-minute) /or presenting it in an ELT conference

-Article (if applicable) is published


(*personally budgeted option)


  1. Teachers inform and send related documents to TDC- when, where &  what they are pursuing (quarter 1)
  2. Teachers prepare an article/ a presentation (on a topic studied) to share with the department (Quarter 4).


An article written and/or carrying out a 15-minute presentation

Giving Workshops



  1. Teachers specify a workshop topic and shares with TDC (quarter 2)
  2. Teachers plan their workshop and submit a draft of their session notes to TDC for feedback (quarter 2 & 3)
  3. Teachers  arrange a suitable slot for the session with TDC (quarter 4)
  4. Teachers conduct the workshop for BİLGİ teachers (quarter 4)


Note: Teachers may choose to give a session in ELT conferences outside BILGI, then they will need to officially certify the session invitation


1-hour workshop session (in quarter 4, and/or in the induction week)

Learning a New language

(*personally budgeted option)


  1. Teachers decide on a language they would like to start to learn/improve
  2. Teachers notify TDC about when and where they have started the classes. (BILGI offering courses as such is not an option at present.)
  3. They keep a journal during the course on how this experience is related to their teaching  (minimum 2 quarters)
  4. Teachers hand-in the journal and submit a reflection form to TDC (quarter 4)


A new language at a certain level  and journal reflections

The Article Club


Teachers come together in regular intervals (twice a month).

  1. They specify a topic/topics to learn more about in ELT
  2. Teachers read articles or chapters of a certain book
  3. Teachers come together to share their insights and what they have learned.
  4. Teachers write a summary of articles (quarter 4)
  5. Teachers write their implications on BİLGİ context and submit to TDC (quarter 4)
  6. Teachers create a report of what has been done in the club (quarter 4)


Selected articles are put in the shared folder together with their summaries and reflections

ELT Conference Organization




The committee members will be involved in planning and managing the process.  Guidance will be provided along the line. When the conference day(s) approach they may be given reduced teaching hours according to the density of their workload for the conference.


The conference

DM Courses





The Developmental Modules are as follows;


  • Induction Module
  • Module 1 (Teaching Reading & Listening)
  • Module 2 (Teaching Speaking & Writing)
  • Module 3 (Teaching with Technology)
  • Module 4 (Teaching Vocabulary, Grammar and Pronunciation)

Successful completion of the program requirements




  • An initial meeting will be held to inform the teachers about the details of the mentorship process
  • Each mentor will have one mentee.
  • The mentor will be observed by his/her mentee, as part of the mentorship program (A formal lesson plan to be provided and shared with the mentee before the observation)
  • The mentor and the mentee will arrange pre and post-observation meetings.
  • The mentee will write a reflection on the lesson observed, and share it with the mentor.
  • Having taken the mentor’s feedback, the reflection will be sent to the TDC.
  • The mentee will observe another mentor’s class as a peer observation (no formal lesson plan)


Reflection on the process (both mentors and mentees)


A Formal Lesson Plan to be prepared


ELT Blog









  • Teachers decide on areas to create a blog on.
  • They notify TDC about the website where the blog will be created.
  • They are expected to post at least one entry on a weekly / bi-weekly basis.
  • Teachers share the link of their blog with TDC at the end of each academic term.  (TDC may want to share the blog with the ELP at the end of the academic year.)

Sharing insights with colleagues in the field on a regular at the end of the term

Laureate Online Courses


Laureate Online Training Courses are as follows;


  • Induction Course


  • Learning Methods Courses

Collaborative Learning

Problem-based learning

Project-based learning I & II

Case Study Methodology


v  Laureate Certificate in Teaching
and Learning in Higher Education

Modules I- Introduction

Modules II- Student-Centered Teaching

Modules III- Teaching Tools

Modules IV- Assessment Tools

Modules V- Technology Tools


Successful completion of the program requirements